Open Lecture with Dr. Maksim Belitski

BEROC invites you to the Open Lecture of Dr. Maksim Belitski where he will present his research on corporate innovation, functional diversity of collaboration and reverse spillovers of knowledge. The study has implications for industries, scholars and policy makers.

Firms to be able to introduce new products and processes to market need to engage with a variety of external partners within horizontal and vertical supply-demand chain and beyond (e.g. universities, local and national government, conferences, suppliers and customers, consultants, competitors, enterprise groups, etc.) and across different spatial proximities.

This also underlines the complimentarily between in-house knowledge creation and resources from multiple functional areas of expertise. We first start by looking at the role that a portfolio of collaboration partners across different spatial proximities (functional diversity) is associated with innovation outcomes. We ask a question: is there an optimal level of collaboration portfolio across various spatial proximities?

We further discuss firm collaboration as a necessary condition to learn management and innovation skills which further enable exploration of knowledge and increase in the absorptive capacity of a firm. A firm will find it beneficial to engage in external cooperation to exploit the knowledge spillover as long as the benefits from cooperation overweight possible loss of the market due to the reverse spillover.

We take an example of four major pillars of the UK economy (knowledge intense sectors): high-tech manufacturing, knowledge intense business services, creative industries and ICT to test the following hypothesis: Firm in the knowledge intense sectors will experience the reverse spillover of collaboration with external partners. The size of the reverse spillover of collaboration with external partners is likely to be the highest for firms in creative sectors. The size of the reverse spillover of collaboration with external partners increases outside the national boundaries.

The study has implications for industries, scholars and policy makers.



Dr. Maksim Belitski is a Lecturer in Entrepreneurship at Henley Business School and a Research Fellow at the Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana University, US. He has international experience in delivering entrepreneurship modules for executives in the University of Bolzano, Italy, Bratislava, Slovakia, Vilnius University, Lithuania, Loughborough University, UK and Brunel University West London, UK.

He currently teaches Innovation and market entry, financing for Entrepreneurship, MBA in Entrepreneurship for Henley students and Brittelstand companies in the Thames Valley region, UK. Maksim has access to all UK local businesses dataset across sectors and region as «Trusted» researcher of the Secure Data Service, UK Data Archive and Virtual Micro-data Lab, Office of National Statistics, UK. He is a fellow of Higher Education Academy (UK) since 2013.

He has two PhD one from Economics, University of Milan, Italy and another from Applied Economics University of Leicester, UK. He is an author of more than 20 publications in leading international peer-review journals such as small business economics journal, journal of information systems, journal of technology transfer, international journal of entrepreneurship and management, regional studies.

The Open lecture of Dr. Maksim Belitski “Corporate innovation, functional diversity of collaboration and reverse spillovers of knowledge: firm level study across four major pillars of the UK economy” will take place on December 27, 2017.

Date:  December 27, 2017.

Time: 16:00-18:00

Place: pr. Gazety «Pravda» 11B, IPM Business School, Basement Floor

Language: English


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