Economic security


An economic security specialist is a unique professional capable of neutralizing or drastically mitigating crisis impacts on socio-economic systems at various levels, whether it be a company, industry, region, or the national economy and the state as a whole.

Economic security is a new specialty for Belarus, which is complex, interdisciplinary due to the combination of economic, legal and IT aspects.

Form of education

Form of education:

full-time, training period — 4 years



Features of admission for foreign applicants!

Full information on the admission of foreign citizens to the Faculty of Economics of the Belarusian State University, as well as contacts for obtaining advice, are posted on the website of the International Relations Department of the Belarusian State University.

What will you learn?

  • apply modern methods of calculation and analysis of socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of the organization
  • analyze and interpret financial, accounting and other information to make management decisions in the field of economic security
  • analyze corporate IT systems, determine requirements for their functionality, carry out work in them for the purpose of economic security
  • monitor the business environment, develop tactics and strategies for competitive intelligence in the interests of the economic security of the organization
  • analyze the foreign economic activity of the organization, socio-economic processes in the country, diagnose the main risks and threats, develop programs to neutralize or minimize their impact

Jobs of graduates

  • security analyst in companies and government agencies
  • economic security expert
  • economic security service specialist (conducting internal investigations)
  • risk manager
  • Head of Department of Economic and Information Protection Service
  • customer reliability specialist
  • leading expert-analyst for verification of legal entities (economic security)
  • loss prevention specialist
  • asset management specialist
  • head of financial information protection
  • information security system administrator
  • artificial intelligence security specialist
  • job analyst (human resources)

Advantages of obtaining a specialization Economic security

Possession of IT tools for economic security in the context of digital transformation of the economy and society

Strengthened training in the field of mastering foreign languages

Identification and assessment of threats to the economic security of the state of large companies and corporations

Countering identified threats in the financial and economic spheres of activity

Ensuring crisis-free operation of economic systems of different levels

Expertise in economic, legal and IT aspects of security

Useful links for applicants

Alumni reviews

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