Analytical economics


An economist is a professional who applies systemic economic analysis (collects and analyzes data), forms conclusions and recommendations for management on its basis.

Also, the economist takes part in pricing, makes forecasts of the state and movement of markets, determines the competitiveness of the company, goods and services.

Form of education

Form of education:

full-time, training period — 4 years



Features of admission for foreign applicants!

Full information on the admission of foreign citizens to the Faculty of Economics of the Belarusian State University, as well as contacts for obtaining advice, are posted on the website of the International Relations Department of the Belarusian State University.

What will you learn?

  • processing arrays of economic data

  • analysis, evaluation, interpretation of the results

  • building standard theoretical and econometric models of the processes under study

  • analysis of socio-economic processes and phenomena at the micro and macro levels.

Jobs of graduates

  • Analysts in the financial, investment, banking and economic spheres

  • Specialists in insurance, lending, leasing, planning, controlling, trading

  • Managers for foreign economic activity, risk management

  • Auditors

Advantages of obtaining a specialization Economics

Working with large volumes of up-to-date information

Access to foreign databases

Analysis and modeling of mathematical models

Real business analytics cases

Making strategically important decisions

Economic modeling of innovation processes

Useful links for applicants

Alumni reviews

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